Herndon’s Informants: An Interview with Douglas Wilson
by Douglas L. Wilson, Sara GabbardHerndon’s Informants: An Interview with Douglas Wilson by Sara Gabbard Sara Gabbard: This had to have been an enormous project. What first led you to undertake the task? Douglas Wilson: I had been working on Thomas Jefferson for several years, mostly having to do with his early reading and education, the formation of his […]
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The Debate over the Debates: Debating Those Debates: The Historians Weigh In
by Douglas L. Wilson, Edna Greene, Frank J. Williams, Harold HolzerModerated by Harold Holzer A public sensation in the seven Illinois towns that hosted them—reprinted in the press at the time, in book form shortly thereafter, and in many editions since—the 1858 Lincoln-Douglas debates are remembered today, 160 years after they took place, as a political and cultural phenomenon. But as much as they attracted […]
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Douglas L. Wilson Discusses Herndon on Lincoln: Letters
by Douglas L. WilsonAs Lincoln’s law partner, William H. Herndon worked more closely with Lincoln than any other person except his wife. Ostensibly, this afforded Herndon an almost unique intimacy with Lincoln, whom his friends knew to be markedly secretive and unconfiding.
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