This expanding resource of worksheets centered around Abraham Lincoln, his life, and times, using elements of the Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection whenever possible, is offered to help educators with classroom or home teaching.
Reading Comprehension
The following worksheets include a short reading excerpt followed by five multiple-choice and an open-ended question.
Abraham Lincoln and Habeas Corpus
Explore the details surrounding why Abraham Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus.
Worksheet [PDF]
Answer Key [PDF]
Union Soldiers in the Civil War
Explore the life and hardships of Union soldiers throughout the Civil War.
Worksheet [PDF]
Answer Key [PDF]
Lincoln and Emancipation
Explore Lincoln’s road to emancipation, while reading about his thoughts and ideas that later became his Emancipation Proclamation and then led to the 13 Amendment.
Worksheet [PDF]
Answer Key [PDF]
The Death of President Lincoln
Explore the details surrounding the assassination of President Lincoln.