The Sangamon, Soured: Lincoln, The Man, & Its Twisted Tropes
by Bethany VillaruzThe Sangamon, Soured: Lincoln, The Man & Its Twisted Tropes Bethany Villaruz A slight summer breeze ruffled through the leaves lining the shimmering Sangamon River. A young Edgar Lee Masters, known to his family as only “Lee,” frolicked along Menard County’s defining feature. The winding river curved like an artist’s desultory brushstroke through the landscape […]
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History Through A Poet’s Eyes
by Harold HolzerHISTORY THROUGH A POET’S EYES Carl Sandburg’s books on Abraham Lincoln, far from traditional biography, remain unmatched for their vivid combination of mood, incident, and epochal sweep By HAROLD HOLZER The “elusive Lincoln is a challenge for any artist.” So the poet, troubadour, journalist, and political activist Carl Sandburg declared (in combination warning and boast) […]
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