From the Collection: Lincoln Assassination Mourning Ribbons

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From the Collection: Lincoln Assassination Mourning Ribbons Jessie Cortesi & Jane Gastineau   Upon President Abraham’s Lincoln death on April 15, 1865, the nation turned from celebrations for Union victory to mourning for their fallen chief. Immediately, the nation’s manufacturers turned to supplying the public’s demand for mourning accessories, including silk mourning ribbons that could […]

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From the Collection: German-Americans in the Civil War Era

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From the Collection: German-Americans in the Civil War Era Kayla Gustafson and Jessie Cortesi In honor of German-American Heritage Month in October, librarians at the Rolland Center for Lincoln Research launched a new digital exhibit on highlighting items in the Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection related to German-Americans from the Civil War period. From 1845 […]

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