Abraham Lincoln and “the Most Dangerous Man” in Baltimore
by Sean A. ScottAbraham Lincoln and “the Most Dangerous Man” in Baltimore Sean A. Scott Francis Lister Hawks was a distinguished clergyman and man of letters whose southern sympathies during the Civil War brought him to the attention of Abraham Lincoln. Born in 1798 in Newbern, North Carolina, Hawks graduated from the University of North Carolina in […]
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An Interview with Ronald C. White
by Jonathan WhiteAn Interview with Ronald C. White Jonathan W. White Ronald C. White is the New York Times bestselling author of two presidential biographies: A. Lincoln: A Biography (2009) and American Ulysses: A Life of Ulysses S. Grant (2016). He is also the author of Lincoln’s Greatest Speech: The Second Inaugural (2002), a New York Times […]
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We Mourn Our Fallen Father: Abraham Lincoln’s Easter Sermon and the Beginning of his Martyrdom
by Kayla GustafsonWe Mourn Our Fallen Father: Abraham Lincoln’s Easter Sermon and the Beginning of his Martyrdom By Kayla Gustafson During his life, Abraham Lincoln bore a myriad of nicknames: the Railsplitter, Honest Abe, Father Abraham, and the Liberator, just to name a few. But, after his death, he became a martyr for the nation, that martyrdom […]
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God and Mr. Lincoln
by Allen C. GuelzoOn the day in April 1837 that Abraham Lincoln rode into Springfield, Illinois, to set himself up professionally as a lawyer, the American republic was awash in religion. Lincoln, however, was neither swimming nor even bobbing in its current.
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